Kindle Touch Leather Lighted Case

- The light is powered from the Kindle itself and synchronizes with its power (the light gets off when you turn off the screen)
- The leather is really nice
Because of its case cover, it’s easier to hold, than in a naked form Bad:
- It adds its weight. It’s not “heavy” but it feels 60–70% heavier than without the cover. (I don’t have the actual number — i may be wrong)
- It’s almost impossible to rip apart the case from the Kindle, once attached. You have to push really hard from the back to do this.
- Overpriced ($60 for a cover, for the device that’s $99?) Overall, I like the design and finish of this, and that i can now read in a dark lighted room without hurting my eyes — but I wish I didn’t need this in the first place, say, if Kindle touch had a built-in backlight. Maybe the future generation of the device would do.