LG WCP-300 review: the best Qi wireless charger
There are so many Qi wireless chargers in the market these days, and here’s another, reasonably priced one to test: LG WCP-300 thanks to drikin as always.
雨後の筍のように新しいQi無線チャージャーが出てきていて、先週のRebuild Podcast でもいくつか紹介したけど、もう1つ新しいやつを drikin に教えてもらったので購入。LG WCP-300: Amazon.co.jp

Pretty lightweight device in a simple packaging.

Comes with the wall charger and cable, which I think is identical to Nexus wireless charger

You can see the size as compared to the Nexus 4. Really compact.

Compared to the nexus charger. Much less bulky.

Here’s how it looks while charging. It doesn’t make a sound, but the LED indicator blinks in green to show that it is being charged. This is very nice but could be annoying to some (more on that later).
Comparison with Nexus charger and RAVPower
This is the 3rd Qi charger in my collection, and I like this the most. Here’s a quick comparison of these three devices.
LG WCP-300
- Very small
- Doesn’t make a sound upon charging
- Put your phone in any direction and it will charge
LED to make sure it is being charged Bad:
- The blinking LED indicator could be annoying at night
RAVPower 2-in-1
- Comes with the mobile battery
- Can be used with USB charger as well
Looks slick, despite made in China :p Bad:
- Slippery surface (Rubber band to the rescue)
- Makes a beep upon charging
Nexus Charger
Tilted, so I can look at screen on the desk while charging (like a dock) Bad:
- Bulky
- Sticky surface tends to pick up dusts then gets slippery
- Make vibrations louder on table Here’s a video comparing Nexus dock charger, LG WCP-300 and RAVPower Qi 2-in-1.
For a home use, LG WCP-300 beats other two in every other way. I haven’t tested these expensive chargers made in wood or stone but this is the best in terms of its hardware and ease of use. And it’s about half the price of the Nexus charger.
The blinking LED is a little bit annoying because I’m thinking of putting it at bedside table, but could be avoided by changing the direction, or just a matter of covering the LED with a tape.
I recommend this for a home use, and if you need to charge your phone on mobile or for travels, RAVPower with mobile battery is still a great deal as well.
Now I’m looking forward to the next Nexus device having Qi compatibility as well.
LG WCP-300 はこれまで試した中では一番良く出来た Qi 無線充電器ではないかなと思う。ハードウェアもとてもコンパクトだし、横置きなので携帯 (Nexus 4) でもタブレットでもうまく使えるはず。Nexus orb はホコリがつきやすいし、RAV Power は滑りやすい、充電開始時に音がなるとかそういう問題がこれでは完全に解消されてる。
これを自宅用、RAVPower のモバイルバッテリーを外出時(あるいは旅行用)に使うのがよさそうな組み合わせでオススメ。次の Nexus 5ももちろんQi に対応しているのを期待したい。