Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's Blog

Google made one of Android’s jokes into something clever. by Jamie of Basecamp

November 17, 2014

Link: Google made one of Android’s jokes into something clever. by Jamie of Basecamp

The key difference is: you’re looking at the lockscreen to scan your notifications now. It’s during this time that Android scans your face!Android’s face unlock was an interesting gimmick, but after playing with it a couple of times, it’s something you would turn off immediately. Because it’s slow, and it’s not so secure, and that you have to see your face on the screen every time you use your phone, which is ridiculous.

That has changed in Android 5 lollipop.

Android Lollipop now always shows the notifications on the lock screen (or just a clock when there’s no notification). And while you’re looking at that lockscreen for notifications, the phone scans your face and unlocks the phone in the background without showing your face on the screen. There’s a little icon in the bottom that indicates you that.

This, with Smart Unlock (auto unlock when paired with known BT devices), it gets super convenient to unlock the phone with PIN/Pattern unlock as a fallback.

It’s true that it might not be as convenient as Touch ID, but it’s so much better than the previous crappy implementation.