Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's Blog

Recent Posts

December 26, 2013

Private Photo Sharing the Hard Way (2013)

All of my photos taken with my camera and phones are organized in Lightroom. All photos are backed up to Amazon Glacier using Arq. I’d love to share only the selected photos with my family, but also share specific collection with friends without accounts.

December 02, 2013

T-Mobile global roaming = Awesome

Back in October T-Mobile announced Simple Choice unlimited global data roaming, which provides free global data/text roaming (and 20c/min voice) in most foreign countries.

November 07, 2013

Podcast の聞き方 2013年秋バージョン

以前、Podcast登録のしかた という記事を書きましたが、それからアプリのバージョンやフィードのURLなどいろいろ変わったので、あらためて。

November 07, 2013

Nexus 5 review

Received this on this Tuesday, and been using it for 2 days on T-Mobile LTE.

October 27, 2013

Carton Talks in Europe

I’m excited to tell you that in late November, I’ll be flying over to Copenhagen and London to speak at Nordic Perl Workshop and London Perl Workshop respectively.